Saturday, February 16, 2013


Tinumok  is a delicious dish in Bicol.  Gabi (or Taro) leaves are used in wrapping the mixture of  minced young coconut meat, shrimps and pork, and cooked in coconut milk with chilis.  There were several variations  of the dish as it was spread throughout the country, there’s the Visayan version which is Tinuktok, Laing in Manila, Tinumok or Pinangat in Bicol, etc.

I guess this is my version of the dish, saw it once on TV, but they used Pork, and for my  recipe I wanted it to be light and  less fat, I used fillets of chicken breast and cream dory.  My daughter just loved it, this is the 2nd time I cooked this and she was the one who reminded me to prepare this again for her.

250 gms. Cream Dory, fillet, cut into chunks
300 gms. Chicken Breast, fillet, cut into chunks
1 whole Garlic, peeled and chopped
2” sliced of Ginger, peeled and sliced thinly into strips
3 medium Onion, peeled and chopped
Salt and pepper
1 kilo Petchay, washed thoroughly
3 to 4 cups Pure Coconut Milk
2 pcs. Green Chilli
½ tsp pepper corn

Prepare the onion,  garlic and ginger.

Season Chicken Fillet & Cream Dory with Salt & Pepper

In a bowl combine the onion, garlic and ginger, use half of that mixture to 
marinate the Cream Dory & Chicken 
while this is marinating,...

Wash the Petchay and cut the bottom part of the stem ...

Blanch the petchay in plain boiling water for just a few seconds ...

cut-out the steam of the blanched petchay

We're ready to stuff the petchay...
arrange the leaves in this way...

put the cream dory stuffing in the middle ...

fold the bottom part of the leaves, as shown in the picture ...

then fold the right side - no. 2 arrow, then the left side - no. 3 arrow

then roll-it-up tightly like this,
set aside ...

do the same with the Chicken stuffing ...

we have wrapped all the stuffings...
those with toothpicks are the Cream Dory packets...

we're ready to cook ...

In a big pan, put the coconut milk and the remaining half of the mixture 
of onion, garlic, and ginger, add a bit of salt and pepper, 
let it simmer for 15-20 minutes over low medium heat,
stirring occassionally...

then put the Stuffed Petchay in the simmering coconut milk
and let it cook gently over low-medium heat for another 20 to 30
minutes or until it thickens, stirring gently just to check that the
coconut milk doesn't get burned...  cover the pan 
and continue cooking...

Season to taste ...


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