Thursday, September 24, 2009


We’re at my sister’s house now for a supposed to be a short visit, but my daughter and my nephew need more bonding moments that’s why we decided to stay a little longer. These gave us an opportunity to cook some “old-time favorites”, foods our mother used to prepare when we were kids. A few days ago I made a big batch of meatball mixture, I did it on purpose cause I have 3 different recipes in mind using meatballs. It’s one of those days when you just have that “meatballs craving”.

‘Am also posting the following 3 recipes as a tribute to our mother, who made sure that while all of us her kids are growing up she prepared nutritious and delicious food everyday. Delicious to us then doesn’t mean expensive food, our “Nanay” made simple dishes seems special to us. Back then, she would prepare a simple soup and pair this with fried tofu with dipping sauce on the side, and we learned to love tofu so much that it’s a regular in our dishes until now. “Nanay” is my first teacher in the kitchen, much of the recipes I know now are mostly her recipes and also our father “Tatay” is a food lover and a good cook as well. I will have to do a separate “tribute” for Tatay’s delicious recipes.

1 kilo ground lean pork
2-4 pcs Whole eggs
1-2 cups Bread Crumbs
2-3 tsp Salt
1 ½ tsp pepper
1 cup onion, chopped
1 cup carrot, chopped
¼ cup spring onions, chopped

Mix everything in a bowl. When well mixed, fry 2 small patties. (I always do this when making meatballs or burger, to taste if I needed to add any salt or pepper, and also to test if the bread crumbs I added is enough to make a patty or a meatballs. Season some more if needed.

When you’re satisfied with the taste of the meatball mixture, divide it into three, and put aside the other two (2) portions in 2 separate containers and keep them in the freezer. You may choose to make balls before freezing them, so whenever you will need to cook another meatball dish, they are ready.

For the 1st Recipe, we’ll just use 1/3 of the mixture. This portion will yield around 30 meatballs or more, depending on the size of your meatballs.

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